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I'm simply a design of God. I create what he tells me to create. Some call me a hairstylist, makeup artist, stylist, poet, designer, writer, painter... I call me B.Ross the great "I AM".

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Skip A Step...

"There is no level of success, love of your life, or certain ONE thing you obtain that is going to be your pinnacle in life. The point of bliss should be a state of mind that you are consistently in when ALL things love, spirituality, monetary, and whatever else works in harmony with each other." B.Ross

 REAL STORY: When I was a child, going up and down stairs was tiresome for me. Sure it was only 10 steps from the top of the second floor to the bottom level in our home, but when you grab a plate full of warm cookies, and you get snuggled in bed only to realize you forgot the milk 10 steps becomes one too many; so I would always skip a step.  Even now as an adult whatever staircase it is, I'm always cutting time in half by skipping steps (even on escalators HAHA!). Metaphorically, I skip steps in life just like a lot of people. Growing up we're are made to believe there are "steps" in life you have to take to get the the next level; it is a theory embeded in us from early childhood. Remember the annoying little rhyme made up about two kids who have crushes on each other? It  goes "FIRST comes love, THEN comes marriage, THEN comes the baby in the baby carriage";  it sounds innocent but ironically when we reach adulthood we feel conviction when things don't happen for us in order. Sometimes we even get discouraged when we feel like the first step is a long way from the last step! I'm an "over thinker", so when things don't work out as I've so carefully planned I tend to always think to myself,  'what step did I miss?' But going over "steps" over and over in my head has never created a solution for me, however, when I ask myself what were the steps I made when I was happy or reached my goal I smirk; because it's always been when I did things MY way and that usually means I purposely skipped a step.  Every time we hold our self to someones standard of stepping we trip up! It's okay, in fact NECESSARY in life to create your own way of reaching your bliss. Sometimes it's in our fate to be so lucky that God purposely allowed us a way to have everything we want without the many steps others took to get there. I could tell you a list of skipping step blessings I've had in life from early promotions, to booking jobs, even winning $900 lottery one time when I didn't even go to the store to buy my own ticket... or falling in love without falling in LIKE (oop SHE did it lol!) Either way when you throwout the illusion of  this made up "order" to happiness you may discover you will, in time have everything you need at any given moment ALL at once even if you skip a step or two!

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