About Me

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I'm simply a design of God. I create what he tells me to create. Some call me a hairstylist, makeup artist, stylist, poet, designer, writer, painter... I call me B.Ross the great "I AM".

Monday, June 24, 2013

Fast Forward.

Ladies & Gents:

If you were happier in life before someone came into it then it is time to let them go. So many times we try to prolong a relationship that we see potential in because we believe that out of patience there will be loyalty & positive results. This is NOT always true. Realize that everyone is dealing with their own personal journey and if that person is not heading in the same direction you are dont get off track and make a million u turns in hopes that things will go the way you WANT to see them go. Many times we allow people to stay in our lives well past their expiration date because there is no argument or "reason" to just stop being friends however; the moment things become complicated and intentions are not known (after you've tried to discuss it) then it is time to move forward. As working individuals every moment of spare time is precious time. Why spend your precious time on those who can't effectively communicate & leave you feeling uneasy. Out of the many things in life we can't choose who we are friends with is one we should choose wisely. (I hope that this reaches those of you who know where you're headed & need to gain focus. We all play the same role at one point in time to people & maybe WE are the friend that someone needs to let go. Either way stay on YOUR track & allow those who genuinely want to stick around do so.) 

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