Like always I've been thinking of my place in this world, who I'm suppose to be... what I'm suppose to do, & how I interact with others. I realized that I'm an outcast. I'm selfish & I like to spend my time alone. Even in the presence of others I like to be "alone". I hate answering questions because I feel I don't have the answers. There is a quote that says "I know everything that you know and nothing that you don't" and that's truly how I feel. Don't ask me WHY am I am certain way or why I do what I do. I'm just getting to learn myself, so many of my years were comprised of being what someone else wanted me to be. So many people want me to wear a smile 100 percent of the time but there is a fire that burns within me to be GREAT, and it's frustrating to waste time doing meaningless things, answering meaningless questions and having people put an input into your life when they have not lived your life. One thing I know about myself is I don't like for people to think they KNOW me, nobody but God knows me.... my family doesn't even KNOW me. Picking my brain will end up being a disaster. When things become predictable it frustrates me. Routine is death to me. I guess what I'm tyring to say is this is a warning that if your going to love me, it will be hard & there is no point in sticking around if your feelings are easily hurt by my thoughts & way of being. I suggest you just turn around...