About Me

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I'm simply a design of God. I create what he tells me to create. Some call me a hairstylist, makeup artist, stylist, poet, designer, writer, painter... I call me B.Ross the great "I AM".

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

July fourth.

Today, as God would have it I am spending time alone gathering my thoughts and truly mediating on my Plan of Action. In everything there needs to be a P.O.A, many times we know where our destination is but we fail to plan the route in which we will get there. When planning  each and every small detail matters (think about if our navigation was general and ill-detailed). The more detailed the plan the quicker the fail and the faster the recovery so you can get back on track. YES I said the quicker the FAIL. Every plan doesn't work the first go around but a client of mine told me that her office's motto was "if you fail quickly you can recover and try something new". There is nothing worse than trying to force your first plan to work after seeing NO results. If you feel like things aren't going as planned yet you have written down your P.O.A go back and make revisions. Just like a essay, making revisions doesn't make it a new story it makes it a better one! Happy Fourth! Happy learning!