Over the past few years there has been prominent clues suggesting us to research the integrity of our country & rethink the term "freedom" (FREE DOOM as rephrased in a Kanye West song). The fact that we have a sense of simple daily decision making freedom does not dismiss how we are enslaved by the political & media lies that keep us ignorant & misinformed or that we are thrown into financial bondage by outrageous taxing, interest rates, & petty legal "fees". The American people are forced to hang ourselves by consuming the products that they tax us on and with that tax the money is used for everything BUT the betterment of our people and the people in other countries. The small over publicized acts of "help" in other countries made by the government are most times propaganda used to throw off the true intent on invasion... many blame it on illuminat but no matter the cause of these sick mind games you can hear and see via YouTube & other resourceful outlets the cries & warnings from celebrities and other multimillion dollar persons who have attest to the greed & power those "above us" seek & have. Although all these things get us worked up and upset & were constantly THINKING of how to escape this revolution that is happening we must realize that every generation will go through revolution and revelation. Do not allow the news, music, & media destroy your joy or anger you. If you can't do anything about it PRAY. There is POWER in prayer. My hope would be for us to MAKE the government (everywhere)stop the making of bombs, & other chemical destruction weapons. Ban it ALL! The people will have nothing to fight with & innocent people can stop dying. The problem isn't the mass majority it's the few who hold the money & the power so I want you all to pray for peace & love but more importantly pray for the revolution to be televised because in 2016 we will have to start the process of election once again and with all that's happening in Syria and all around the world we need US in office. Real people, people who've been abused by the system. We need to get organized with one another. That is all for now I'll be giving more of my perspective at later times & doing some videos... Rem this blog is only MY opinion & it's neither wrong or right so if you choose to disagree do so respectively Peace.