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I'm simply a design of God. I create what he tells me to create. Some call me a hairstylist, makeup artist, stylist, poet, designer, writer, painter... I call me B.Ross the great "I AM".

Friday, November 22, 2013

A gift for Jill : Oct 2013 "Pink Promise" survivor recipient

This year Blushed by B.Ross launched a new stylish way to get women involved in supporting Breast Cancer Awareness Month. With 5 shades of pink nail polish we were able to donate a portion of the proceeds to a local Breast Cancer Survivor. In the gift bag our recipient Jill received an array of goodies including a Visa Gift Card & a beautiful mug with scripture from local business 3 inspirations. Below is the story of Jill, written by her daughter Brien who nominated her. And so it begins at a normal doctors checkup where my mom, Jill Hughes, expresses concern about what feels like a bruise on her right breast. The moment that changes your coarse in life; yet you don't even know it until later, when you get that phone call. Two mammograms, two biopsies, and an mri later, Jill knows for sure that breast cancer is now her new path. Very quickly there were many doctors appointments. Decisions like lumpectomy verses mastectomy and which type of reconstruction will be best needed to be made. It became apparent that although the doctors were important, it was more important that Mom did her research and chose the treatments that would best benefit herself. My mom made the brave decision to have a double mastectomy with reconstruction via expanders and implants. Her thoughts were to get rid of the cancer and the possibility of getting breast cancer again. As her child, I worried because this was such a drastic surgery compared to the option of lumpectomy. But I knew, although our opinions mattered, as her family our job was to simply support the woman we love so dearly. This proved to be a longer road to travel than anticipated. The mastectomy and placing expanders in went smooth, but there was another battle to fight. During the healing process infection began to set in. Mom spent an extra seven days in the hospital and had a pic line inserted so that she could administer her own antibiotics at home. Ultimately, one of the expanders had to be removed and replaced. More surgery. Finally! Two years after this whole thing began, Jill got her final surgery. Permanent implants to complete the process. My mom was very lucky to have chosen a plastic surgeon that was willing to hold her hand from start to finish. Through the frustration of this infection in which he was unfamiliar, he did not give up or pass her through the system to someone else. Although the cancer is gone, Jill s life will never be the same. Nothing is to be taken for granted. Through education, strong support, and her choice to fight, my mom has been an inspiration for all of her family and friends. Her best advice yet: Life is only ten percent circumstance while the other ninety is how you chose to deal with it. Brien Culliton

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