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I'm simply a design of God. I create what he tells me to create. Some call me a hairstylist, makeup artist, stylist, poet, designer, writer, painter... I call me B.Ross the great "I AM".

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Help me, help myself.

The other day I told MYSELF  "I believe everything I say for everyone but ME". After the words left my lips I felt overwhelmed with emotion because finally I realized that it was my subconscious thinking that has been hindering me from obtaining the full bliss I so desperately seek. Not only was that moment a reflection of how I thought of my love life but it literally told my entire life (money, friends, ect) At that moment, all I could do was go into what I call RECOVERY. 

I FIRST identified the issue by taking a pause AFTER I spoke today and seeing how it effects my emotions (this goes against the proper way of pausing before you speak) for example: A coworker told me how she met the love of her life on Match.com & I jokingly replied saying I was going to join. (PAUSE) My negative subconscious immediately went off in my head telling me that it wouldn't happen that way for me, there was no way I could meet someone & fall in love & him actually be GOOD. See, the problem isn't if it would or wouldn't happen (that's Gods work) the problem is me immediately expecting less than I desire. The reason I needed a pause after my FIRST initial thoughts was to make sure I accurately identified with my own emotion before my learned behavior of altering my responses to sound optimistic jumped in the way. 

After I figured out what my issue was I then began to think, 'why don't I believe great things for my love life?'. I went through a list of reasons, thought about things like 'am I too picky?', 'is there bad karma I could have caused?', 'is it ME?'... Aha! That's IT... My next point! I was associating my CURRENT issue with  the PAST when the past holds no value for TODAY.  At that moment I laughed, prayed to GOD to fix my attitude towards love and being single and I realized that things are the way they are not because of Karma (if that was the case half of the happily married couples I know would be in a world of distress), things are how they are because God is allowing me to recognize things about myself that perhaps I wouldn't even notice if I was in a relationship. My current lesson is still in session & I'm learning to not just say things and believe them with my head... I need to believe GOOD things for me with my heart. Believe good things for YOU. You owe it to the child you once were, the child with no fear, no stigmas about love, the optimistic you to believe you will be what you want to be when you grow up. WE are never too grown to grow. As a reminder of this to myself check out my new lock screen/background pic on my phone lol ;) I'm a soon to be QUEEN 

*Feel free to leave a comment ;) I would love to start discussing the topics on my blog!* 


  1. I love the way you think. It's amazing how you can have many things in common with someone you only had a brief encounter with. I was always the one speaking positivity into others, yet only following half of what I would say for myself. I, myself am a Taurus woman who would ask myself the same questions on whether I'm too picky, are my standards too high, etc. I believe that God knows all things and he is preparing us for our Kings. We deserve Greatness and will achieve it.

  2. Thanks love! You are so right WE do deserve greatness & I find the more we continue to better ourselves the more we attract a better quality of person! So no half stepping its all in!!!! Focus time is here and this is our season!

  3. As always you're speaking to me. reflecting on myself i constantly do the same thing, subconsciously telling myself im undeserving of the things i want (i.e. Money, love, etc). Much like you my advice seems to be top notch until i apply it to myself. Its almost as if because things havent worked out for me like they have others that success or love is not within my reach. I met with my pastor today and as she prayed over me it was like an awakening and she said "No matter what it is that you do know that it is only by Gods grace" with that being said how can anyone feel less than

    1. That's awesome! I'm glad u have people around you who will pray with you. There is favor and power in that!
